Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I've been reading some stuff on "Neutrino Flips"....Steven Hawking's saying how "Memory Cannot Be Destroyed"....And some guy named "Jan"...Saying how "Big The Black Hole Is"......Hey....Great stuff...I said all that stuff back in 2011......Maybe earlier...."I HAVE DETAILED FILES"..........Anyway......Congratulations....."BUT WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN"......?????.....Gee Whiz....That "BIG BLACK HOLE"...???....That could never look like "The Magnifying Glass" could it.....???????.......That spec of "MASS" in The Neutrino...????....That could never be "Our Solar System In The Heliosphere"...????.....Could It.....???....Hey....Check out "The Lincoln Tunnel"...."THE DRIVER OUTSIDE THE TUNNEL SAYS THE OPENING LOOKS DARK"...."BUT THE DRIVER INSIDE THE TUNNEL SAYS THE OPENING LOOKS LIGHT"....????.....You see all that stuff above....Is "Cub Scout Stuff".......Now to be in "The Boy Scouts"...???....."YOU NEED TO APPLY IT TO"....???.........."TIME"......And you know what...???..."TIME DOESN'T MOVE"...."TIME FLOWS"....And "The Easiest Experiment"......???.....Yes...."The Magnifying Glass"....The Magnifying Glass sort of "Focuses The Photons"....."BUT ARE THEY PULLED INTO THE CONCENTRATED DARKNESS OF THE GLASS FIRST"....??????.........And yes that would mean....????......"HEY PHOTON"..."I CAN SEE YOUR BUTT"...!!!!.......Take care....Bye....... Oct.12,2015...I added the picture below...And I'll add a few more...You have to look at "Protons" being basically "The Speed Of Light"...And "Neutrons" being basically "The Equal Yet Opposite Speed Of Light"...And I say "Basically" because "Neither Are Pure"...Or..??...There is a "Spec Of Neutron In Every Proton"...And "A Spec Of Proton In Every Neutron"...You can also look at "The Magnifying Glass" as "The Darkness Of The Earth"....With "The Earth's Core In The Middle"...And "The Universe Will Flip" any type of "Particle" as long as "That Particle Does One Thing"...."CONTINUES AGING"...No matter what it takes..."It Must Age"........And you must also understand...That "The Universe Was Designed For Speed Of Light Particles"...And "Speed Of Light Particles"..???...Are essentially "Radiating Off You All The Time".....And "The Double Slit Pattern"..???...Is basically "THE GEAR PATTERN OF THE UNIVERSE"..."You can "Dip Gears In Ink" and get the same result...HEAT = "A Rapid Double Slit Pattern"...Take care...Bye.... Here is "The Theory"..."Read The Pictures Slow"...Think about them for a while....Go the speed of light...Looks backwards...Bring a telescope...And a T.V. of a live broadcast signal..."Compare"....1) To go the speed of light..???..."YOU WILL FREEZE TO DEATH"...(..Sorry...)....2) Cryogenics..???...Even though I use the example of "Bringing Einstein Kelly Back To Life"...???...."IT DON'T LOOK GOOD FOR CRYOGENICS"....Your life will "FADE"....The food in your freezer is doing "The Twin Paradox"....FORGET ABOUT "THE LIFE THING"....You food's "Aging Process Is Being Absorbed As fast As It Is Created"....3) "SPACE TRAVEL" = "BAD IDEA"..Even if Mars had an atmosphere,condo's,and "All The Food You Can Eat"....YOU WILL DIE..Your "Life Cycle Is Pre-Amped Through The Earth"......4) BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OF ALL..??.."IF YOU CAN'T FIGURE OUT THE CAT OR THE DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT YOU WILL NEVER FIND THE GRAIL"........"OR EVEN COME CLOSE"...Sooner or later.....No matter how hard you try to "Avoid Kitty"..???...."KITTY ALWAYS POPS UP OUT OF NOWHERE"...."Uninvited Guest" + "Backseat Driver"......5) If "YOU SEE IT"...."YOU ARE THERE"....Forget about "Motion"....And as far as "When We Look In Outer Space We Are Seeing BACK IN TIME"...???....I Don't think so....With E.P.R. It's a "REAL TIME UNIVERSE"......6) "YOU BE THE JUDGE,JURY,PROSECUTION AND DEFENSE"...All "Quantum Entangled In One"..........."Beyond A Reasonable Doubt".....Take care....Hope you enjoy..Bye...... One more episode.. Oct 14 2015..Try this too.. China Telescope..I read China is building a Radio Telescope to detect "Alien Life"...??....There is only one way to "Detect Alien Life"...And that would be to "PUT A TELESCOPE IN A BLACK HOLE"....And "Look Out"....You should be able to get something like a "Clear Picture Of The Earth"...Radio Transmissions may only have a "Average Life Of 70 Years"....The same as "Humans"....So anything over "70 Light Years Away"..???....Don't look good...A Pulsar..???...Is maybe 1,000 light years away...And "Yes" we can detect a "Tick"..."BUT A PULSAR IS BIG STUFF"....A Pulsar is "Not The Average Radio Signal".....A telescope "May" improve if you can line it up with "The Pin Point Shadow Of The Earth"....Or maybe if you can "Create The Properties Of A Similar Black Hole On Earth"....Sort of "Flip The Mirrors"...From "Light To Darkness"...And get a "Quick Pulsating Glimpse"...But it ain't gonna be easy..."First Glimpse Will Probably Destroy The Telescope"....Who knows maybe "Earth Too"......But as far as "Detecting Alien Life By Radio Signals"...???.....It don't look good....If "Radio Signals Did Not Fade"...???...We would hear "Pulsar Ticks All Over The Universe"....There is only "One Way" to "Detect Alien Life".........And it has to do with E.P.R. + Quantum Entanglement..."YOU WOULD HAVE TO MOUNT A TELESCOPE IN A BLACK HOLE"...."AND LOOK OUT"...I'll past "The Theory Below"...And it will explain "The Fundamentals"....Take care....Bye.... Try this too..This may come in handy in rare cases.. THIS IS AN "OLD POST" I HAD FROM THE "OLD BLOG".. "IN THEORY".."IF YOU WANTED TO GET OUT A CANCER TUMOR"..OR EVEN "CLEAN A BLOOD ARTERY"..This should work.."A FLOSS LOOP".."ON THE TIP OF A NEEDLE".."WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF STRING"..A good "Mechanic Or Engineer" can grasp the idea..."Is There A Doctor In The House"..??..Take care..Bye..
If "You Could Run A Continuous Amount Of Dental Floss Or Thin Twine Up Against The Walls Of The Tumor For A Long Enough Period Of Time".."You Can Probably GRIND AND REMOVE THE TUMOR"..Or "Basically".."Hollow Out The Inside Of The Tumor"..
You could encase the "In And Out Floss Or String In Rubber Tubing".."The Same Principles As A Bicycle Break Cable".."And Keep The External Machine About 3 Feet Away"..
You are probably going to have to pass "SEVERAL THOUSANDS FEET OF CONTINUOUS FLOSS OR THREAD THROUGH SOMETHING LIKE THIS"..You could grind down the threaded needle tip to make it smoother..This will "GRIND AND REMOVE ALL IN ONE SHOT".."It will absorb minute bits of tumor on the microscopic level"..You "Can Go Smaller On The Tip"..THIS PROCESS WOULD BE EASY AND SIMPLE..
Here's the "Normal Picture Of The Biopsy Needle"..
Now don't get me wrong.."THIS PROCEDURE MAY TAKE A LONG TIME"..You may actually be able to set a "Spring Tension For The Inside Needle".."And Leave It In For A While".. But "In Theory" it should work..You can "Maneuver The Floss End To Do A 360".."Slow Steady Pressure On The Cancer Cells".."GRIND THEM UP AND GET THEM OUT"..You don't really need a "Rotating Roller"..A "Smooth Surface Pin" would work just fine..Basically something to keep the "Loop In The String".."The Casing Can Remain Stationary".."YOU CAN MAKE THIS ON A SMALLER SCALE TOO"..
"Normal Picture"..
You could "Get A Tumor Like That Out With This Method"..But like I said up top.."I don't know anything about medicine"..Or "Releasing Cancer Cells Into The Rest Of The Body".."BUT AS A LAST CHANCE RESORT".."I WOULD TRY THIS"..You could "Hollow Out That Area In A Few Hours"..
It may be a good idea to put "Tension Wheels On The Outside Needle Itself".."Then You Would Need To Keep Tension Between The Needle And Eternal Machine"..AND ONCE THE FLOSS OR THREAD MAKES ONE LOOP IT MUST BE DISCARDED".."ONLY NEW STRING TO ENTER THE NEEDLE".."It's easier with an external machine".."You Don't have To Fuss With Small Electric Motors".."AND YOU DO NOT NEED A CONTINUOUS CONVEYOR BELT LOOP ON BOTH ENDS".."ALWAYS NEW FLOSS OR STRING".."AND LOTS OF IT"..
"Normal Picture"..If "You Passed 1000 FT Or So Feet Of Looped Dental Floss Through A Grape Size Tumor".. "You Could Probably Get Most Of It".."THE ROLLS DOWN BELOW ARE 5000 METERS EACH".."THAT'S A LOT OF CONTINUOUS STRING"..
"This Would Be The Basic Principles".."A Good Old Fashion Reel To Reel".."Maybe At A Rate Of One Inch Per Second"..??..15 IPS..??..
You run all this string "In A Loop In A Tumor"..With "Slow Steady Pressure Against The Cancer Cells".."SOMETHINGS GOTTA COME OUT"..
And once again..Here it is "In Theory"..The String Will Cut-Grind-And Carry Out Material..A Good Auto Mechanic Could Build This..You could probably "Clear Arteries" too..And maybe even "Cut Into Bone".."The Width Of A Shoelace Wold Be Good In Some Instances"..And "The Tension Wheels Probably Wouldn't Be Needed".."Tension Could Be Kept By Just Pressing In On The Non Stationery Needle".."This Method Would Work Good In Really Tight Areas"..
Remember.."This Process Will Grind And Absorb".."If The String Goes In White"..And "Comes Out Red".."It's Doing It's Job"..
"SET IT".."AND FORGET IT"..??..Well.."I'm Not Too Sure About That".."YET"..
Hope You Enjoyed This Post..Bye.. Oct 16 2015..Also from "The Old Blog".....And If ZMapp don't work...???...Or any other Ebola Vaccine...??...The only "Hypothetical Cure" may be in "Frozen Filtered Urine"....And yes I know It sounds a little "Disgusting"..."BUT HERE ARE THE RULES"....You would need "VIRGIN GLACIER WATER"....Water that has not passed through anyone....You would need to drink this water...And "Filter It"..."DO NOT USE ANY FILTER SYSTEM THAT CONTAINS ELECTRIC"...Don't let the water "Come In Contact With Electricity"....Then you would have to "Drink And Filter The Water Several Times"...."TO BUILD UP MEMORY"....Then "FREEZE THE FILTERED URINE"...."Maybe" several gallons....Then "Thaw-Drink-Or Inject" at a later date................................."In Theory"....This water...."YOUR OWN PERSONAL WATER"...."May" contain "A Blueprint Of A Younger Healthier You"....To compare this to "The Twin Paradox"..."The Nucleus Of The Atom" is "THE OLD YOU"..."THE ELECTRON IS THE YOUNGER TWIN"....Like I say..."If All Else Fails"....Try this as "Plan B"...."And Don't Knock It Till You Prove It Will Not Work"....... The Nurse from The U.K. had "The First Ebola Relapse"....At least from what I've read.....Ebola causes "Eye Damage Too"....Just like "The Eye Damage From Astronauts"...Maybe It's a different form of eye damage...But to "Unify It Down"......."IT'S EYE DAMAGE"..........Ebola causes "Muscle Pain" too....Almost as if "Returning From A Long Space Flight"....After The U.K. Nurse was cured the first time....She returned to "A Society Where Wireless Technology Was Abundant".....Like I said in one of "The Old Posts"....I'd keep "Wireless Tech Away From Ebola"....Take care...Bye....... Oct 19 2015..One very important picture.. I saw this in the news today too.."Sun Hole".. Oct 24 2015.."Hurricane Patricia".. Oct 26 2015.."Cancer Cell Split".. It's "Memory" that keeps us alive..Unfortunately..??..It is also "Memory" that kills us.. Sorry about that.."Coo Coo Ca Choo"..Take care..Bye.. Oct 27 2015 "Observer Effect".."Inside The Atomic Shell".. Oct 29 2015...Here is "The Twin Paradox"...Everybody likes "The Twin Paradox Thing"... It's a "Funneling Magnification Process"...And "Motion"..??.."IT DOES NOT EXIST"....Just look at "Motion" as "A TROUBLEMAKER"......Take care..Bye.. Nov 3 2015..This should be close.. Nov 14 2015..Tick..Tock..What's Up Doc..??.. Nov 21 2015...One of the "Big Things About This Theory"..??..Is "Point Of Observation"...And there is "ONLY ONE TRUE POINT OF OBSERVATION IN THE UNIVERSE"..."MOVING THE SPEED OF LIGHT AND LOOKING BACKWARDS"......You would sort of have to "Imagine Yourself As One Of The First Photons That Left The Big Bang"....."Look Backwards"...."WHAT DO YOU SEE"....???...."ANY DIFFERENCE"..???....Even "Take The Point Of Observation"....As a "PHOTON LEAVING OUR SUN"...."Look Backwards"...."Any Difference"....????......"Everybody And Their Grandmother" talks about...."SIDE WAY COMPARISON"....Or "FORWARD VISION".....There is "ONLY UNCERTAINTY AHEAD".....In The Case Of "EINSTEIN'S MIRROR".....If you were "Going The Speed Of Light".....And "Put A Mirror In Front Of Your Face"....."WOULD YOU SEE YOUR REFLECTION"........?????........"YES"......"BUT THE FURTHER AWAY YOU HELD THE MIRROR"....."THE BLURRIER IT WOULD BECOME"........."BECAUSE NOW YOU ARE DEALING WITH"......???.... "UNCERTAINTY"..........Even to watch "The News"........."THE PRECISE MOTION OF OUR SOCIETY"........"IS OVERRULED BY"....????.....(...Psst....You guessed it...."UNCERTAINTY"....).....And "Even To Put A BIG MAC IN YOUR FREEZER"...???.........."WHERE THE HECK DID THE AGING PROCESS GO"....????....."THE BIG MAC IS DOING THE SAME PRINCIPLES AS A BIG MAC TRAVAILING THE SPEED OF LIGHT".....???...."BUT THERE IS NO MOTION".....???...."The Big Mac's Aging Process"...."In Your Freezer"....Is Being "ABSORBED AS FAST AS IT IS CREATED"......Same Principles as...???....Jumping out of a swimming pool...."Then A Cloud Passes Overhead"......And "You Start Freezing Your Yippies Off"....."THE SHADOW YOU ARE STANDING IN"..???...."IS ABSORBING THE HEAT AS FAST AS IT WAS CREATED".......That's why there is such "A Sudden Drop In Temperate".....Remember....An "Air Conditioning System Works BACKWARDS"....."IT EXTRACTS HEAT".....But in "A TRUE SENSE"...??...."IT IS ACTUALLY EXTRACTING TIME"......Your "Air Conditioner"........Is basically "Taking Your Room Or House"....And "Putting It In Motion"....Except....???...."Motion Does Not Exist"........That's why....???..."IF YOU TRY TO TRAVEL THE SPEED OF LIGHT"...."YOU WILL FREEZE TO DEATH".........."YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO KEEP WARM ENOUGH TO STAY ALIVE"...As "Time Slows Down"...???...."So Does The Furnace"....Or "The Nuclear Reactor Running Your Ship"......."SORRY SCOTTY".....Take care....Bye.... Dec 3 2015.."One Picture"..

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